Taste of Success- Recruitment & Retention

Tue, Nov 15
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Grace Su’s China Gorge Restaurant,
2680 Old Columbia River Dr
Hood River, OR 97031 United States

Introducing, Taste of Success, our new “lunch & learn”. We are excited to bring this program back to support our local businesses.




Tuesday November 15

12:00 pm-1:30 pm

Grace Su’s China Gorge Restaurant

Lunch Provide and Space is Limited


Register Here



On the Menu- Recruitment & Retention with Samantha Irwin

The challenge to recruit new employees and retain them has proven to be difficult these last few years. Samantha Irwin, Business Coach and Consultant, we will presenting: Hiring & Retaining AMAZING Staff. Learn three key areas that will improve retention of staff (and customers!)

Learn more about Samantha.



Up for adventure? Down for a drink? No matter your style, find your fun in Hood River.

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