Columbia River Gorge Quilters Guild: 2022 Quilt Show

Fri, Oct 7
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Hood River County Fairgrounds,
3020 WyEast Rd
Hood River, Oregon 97031

Columbia River Gorge Quilters Guild presents:

2022 Quilt Show

October 7th & 8th


Hood River County Fairgrounds

3020 WyEast Rd.

Odell, Oregon

Quilts, Demos, Boutique, and More!

Questions? Email Kay Skov,


Columbia River Gorge Quilters’ Guild

A Guild for Sharing the Art of Quilting in the Gorge

The Columbia River Gorge Quilters’ Guild is a charitable organization started in August 2007, as a means to provide educational opportunities through programs and workshops, hold an annual quilt show in the Columbia River Gorge, encourage and maintain high standards of design and techniques in quilting, and encourage philanthropic quilting for the benefit of the community.

The Columbia River Gorge Quilters’ Guild reaches out to quilters on both sides of the Columbia River from Goldendale, Washington, to Portland, Oregon.

Up for adventure? Down for a drink? No matter your style, find your fun in Hood River.

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