3020 WyEast Rd
Hood River, Oregon 97031
Head over to the Hood River County Fairgrounds for the annual county fair. There is something for everyone!
Fair ride, admission, and concert tickets are on sale now on the Hood River County Fairgrounds website.
Thank you to all sponsors of this event.
Cascade Farm & Outdoor, Duckwall Fruit Davis Shows Northwest, Juanitas Fine Foods, Wilson’s Napa Auto Parts, DirectLine IT, Bicoastal Media, Waste Connections, Hood River Supply, Little Shredders, Pietro’s Pizza, Lee McPhearson Edward Jones, TriCounty Hazardous Waste & Recycling Programs, Crown Point Wealth Advsiors, Arctic Glacier Premium Ice, American Family Insurance, Umpqua Bank, Ferrelgas, Jones Boys Electric, Wilbur-Ellis, Hood River Garbage, Leafguard, Pacific NW Federal Credit Union, Heights Glass, and First Interstate Bank.