Rooted in the Gorge

Sat, Feb 1
5:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Columbia Center for the Arts,
215 Cascade Ave
Hood River, OR 97031 United States

Rooted in the Gorge

Saturday, February 1st

5:00 pm

This show is all about showcasing the incredible diverse talent of our BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, people of color) through various mediums, from paintings, pyrography, ceramics, sculpture, textile art, jewelry, intricate quilts, and more.

“Rooted” can have many meanings, but within this show, it’s all about building a legacy through creative expression, sharing a path of lineage through passion, and honoring the collective experience while expressing it through an extremely unique and personal lens.

Not only will every generation, from The Baby Boomers to Gen Z be represented, but we will also be paying respects to our ancestors through the storytelling of Black in the Gorge member, Linda Floyd’s quilts including the community quilt from Juneteenth 2023 as well as the community tree painting by Latoya Lovely from Juneteenth 2024.
We are proud to shine a spotlight on these gifted artists all while simultaneously raising funds for the Black in the Gorge Scholarship all February long.


Up for adventure? Down for a drink? No matter your style, find your fun in Hood River.

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