Blossom Craft Show

Sat, Apr 12 - Sun, Apr 13
All day
Hood River County Fairgrounds,
3020 WyEast Rd
Hood River, Oregon 97031

Blossom Craft Show

Hood River County Fairgrounds

Saturday, April 12 and Sunday, April 13

The Blossom Craft Show is always our first craft show of the year. It’s always held in April in conjunction with the blooms throughout the Hood River Valley. There are a lot of great photo opportunities during that time. The Blossom Craft Show is 28 years old this year and still going strong. We have had up to 150 vendors in past years. Vendors come from all over the Northwest to participate. We have a variety of foods, jewelry, sewn goods, patio pieces, plants, baked goods, unique handcrafted items and more! Rain or shine, everyone is here for this opening event. Vendors are inside or outside, according to their preference.

RV camping for craft show vendors is available at $30 for hook-up and $20 for dry camping.


Up for adventure? Down for a drink? No matter your style, find your fun in Hood River.

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