rainbow over the columbia river

COVID-19 Resources

Check here for the latest Covid updates in Hood River

Indoor & Outdoor Mask Mandate Now In-Effect

Effective Friday, Aug. 27, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown issued a statewide outdoor mask mandate when safe distancing cannot be maintained to apply to all residents and visitors regardless of their vaccination status. This in conjunction with the current indoor mask mandate previously put into effect.

Visit Hood River’s commitment to visitor safety remains unchanged, and we will continue efforts to provide a safe and enjoyable
visitor experience.

To read more about the new statewide indoor mask mandate, please see the Governor’s mandate here.

Plan Ahead

It’s important for Oregonians and visitors to always plan ahead, be patient and flexible. Be prepared to put on a face covering—many businesses are requiring their patrons to wear them.

What This Means for You

As the state reopens, it’s important to remember the risks. We must all do our best to protect ourselves and others. The state has released general guidelines that the public should follow regardless of where they live or what phase of reopening their community is in:

  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Use cloth, paper, or disposable face coverings in public. (Governor Kate Brown has instituted a requirement to wear face coverings while in indoor public spaces, such as grocery stores and other businesses, for our county.)
  • Practice physical distancing of at least six (6) feet between you and people who you do not live with.
  • Gathering with those outside your immediate living unit, group meetings, and activities are discouraged.
  • People who are at risk for severe complications (over age 60 or have underlying medical conditions) should stay home even if they feel well.
  • If you become symptomatic (cough, fever, shortness of breath) while in public, please return home and self-isolate immediately.
  • Practice good hand hygiene with frequent handwashing for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer (60-95% alcohol content).
  • Cover coughs/sneezes with elbow or tissue. If you use a tissue, immediately discard tissue in garbage and your wash hands.
  • Avoid touching your face.

As you venture out, please be considerate of the places you are visiting. Have patience with businesses as they are also getting used to these new guidelines. Call ahead or visit a business’ website to learn what guidelines they are asking visitors to follow. Be flexible, if there’s a crowd at a place you want to visit, you may need to move on to plan B. Try to stay 6 feet from other groups. We are all excited that we have the opportunity to slowly begin traveling again but it’s important to be thoughtful so the state can continue to move forward through the reopening process. Even though we’re all adjusting together, we look forward to welcoming you with open arms when the time feels right for you to rediscover Hood River.

Still Have Questions?

Things are changing continuously and sometimes it’s hard for us all to keep up! Take a look at these reputable resources for more information.

City of Hood River Resources

Health Department

County Resources

County Resources

Get Ready Gorge

Gorge Outdoor Recreation

Ready, Set GOrge!

What to Know about Oregon’s Outdoors Right Now

Travel Oregon Resources

Travel Alerts

FAQ: COVID-19 in Oregon

State Resources


Resources for Local Businesses

Hood River Chamber of Commerce

Travel Safety Resources

Waterfront Safety


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